standard-title Streaky Bay Islands Caravan Park Guidelines

Streaky Bay Islands Caravan Park Guidelines

Check in/ out times

  Check in is 11.00 am.
  Check out is 10.00 am.
  Check in is 2.00pm.
  Check out is 10.00 am.

Reception & Park Shop Hours

8:00 am – 6:00 pm (hours may vary according to the season)

Early departures

If you plan to leave early please advise the Manager. Keys to Ensuites and Villas can be left locked inside units.


Electric vehicles are not to be charged in the park as our power supply network was not designed to support your vehicles energy needs. A charging station is located in town adjacent to the school. The speed limit within the park is 10 km per hour. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. Please advise park manager should onsite vehicle repairs be needed.


Draw bars of vans and trailers to face the road and be 1 metre clear of the curb.
Parked vehicles to be 1 metre clear of the curb and within your site boundaries.
One vehicle per site.


All visitors vehicles to be parked at the parks entry. (not within the park)
All visitors must check in at reception.
Park facilities are for the use of park guest’s only.


Bikes, Rollerblades and Scooters are not permitted in the pool or recreation areas. Bikes not to be ridden after dark (State road rules apply).

Site Occupancy

A maximum occupancy of 6 people per site.
Visitors using the park facility are to be checked in and paid for as additional guests. (see fee schedule)

Site requirements

No oils or similar products to be discharged into the sewer, storm drains or gardens. Our storm water is totally recycled. Oils will damage the system.
No annex or tent pegs to be driven within 1 metre of the rear boundary of your site as this may damage sewer, storm or reticulation pipes.
Open fires are not permitted on your site.
Please assist by restricting noise from radios, TVs, and other sources after 10.00pm. and before 8.00am.
Please be aware of the current weather conditions and secure annexes and other loose items.

Boat motor flushing and vehicle washing

This service is available for $2coin operated system.

Fish Cleaning

Please use the fish cleaning facilities as indicated on the park map. Please – no cleaning fish in the camp kitchen or laundry.

Pet policy:

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all park guests, we have a set of conditions for those who bring their dogs with them to stay.

 Permission for a dog to stay will always be at the manager’s discretion.

1. When booking and on arrival please advise the manager that you have a dog.

2. Dogs are welcome all year round. 

3. Dogs must be supervised at all times and not be left alone on your site, including inside your accommodation.

4. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 2 meters at all times while outside your accommodation. Dog runs must not be installed.

5. For Safety and Health reasons, dogs are not permitted in any common areas of the park, including the Café, pool area, recreation room, the camp kitchen, ablution, playground and other public areas.

6. Owners are fully responsible for disposing of their dogs waste in a sealed “doggy doo” bag into a rubbish bin. Bags can be purchased from the park shop. This responsibility extends from the Park zone to the property boundary and along the foreshore.

7. For safety and health reasons dogs must not be washed in the park and pet items such as blankets must not be washed in the park laundry.

8. Dog owners will be required to sign the pet policy form. No deposit is required.

9. Dog owners are personally responsible for injuries and or damage to property caused by their dog.

10. The dog owner agrees that the Park Manager has the right to evict any guest whose dog is noisy, disruptive, or the subject of any complaint from another guest.

The manager will evict any guest who is not abiding by these rules to an acceptable level.